We are looking for speech samples from native speakers for building a Voice Assistant Software. We will provide you the recording guidelines and a recording App. Fluency in local language accent is of utmost importance. Job Description/ Position Description: The recordings can be done on your Phone, Laptop or a tablet. A typical task will involve recording 1000 sentences in a natural flow in a silent environment. You are required to record 1000 sentences as mentioned above using the recording App provided as per the guidelines. Note: The delivery is required within 5 days of assignment. Support will be provided by our coordinator to walk you through. Post a successful completion of this paid task you can expect a continuous stream of work coming your way from our end if you meet our expectations.
Deliverin- 4 Days
Amount : $94
Deliverin- 5 Days
Amount : $105
Deliverin- 3 Days
Amount : $100
Deliverin- 7 Days
Amount : $100
Deliverin- 7 Days
Amount : $100
Deliverin- 7 Days
Amount : $105