About us: NT is the programmatic partner agencies and advertisers trust to drive campaign performance and media efficiency. NT provides programmatic expertise that meets its clients' needs. Through managed planning and buying services across all paid digital media, NT delivers trustworthy marketing expertise and authentic results. We are looking for experienced independent sales agents or small agency, who can professionally represent our services to clients in different parts of the world. Job description: - acquisitions of new clients in your area; - presenting the products to the client; - communication with the client throughout the partnership. We offer: - all marketing materials provided; - full product training; - commissions deals. Contact: Mail: partners@nominaltechno.com Web :www.nominaltechno.com
Deliverin- 90 Days
Amount : $750
Deliverin- 60 Days
Amount : $2500
Deliverin- 0 Days
Amount : $2300
Deliverin- 30 Days
Amount : $1500
Deliverin- 20 Days
Amount : $1500