Hi There I need someone to call SME's in the Brighton are and then working outwards from there and set appointments. There is no selling of the product. You are simply selling an appointment or qualified lead It is a relatively easy sell. I am currently doing about 10 hours a week and setting two per hour, and I'm not great on the phone This trial will be for 5 appointments - working from your own data. There will be some criteria as to the kind of customer I want calling, which we will discuss after the job is awarded. Ultimately, I am wanting someone to make around 20 appts a week, which may eventually double to 40. Please quote a fixed price for this trial. You should be looking at the bottom end of the budget range. After the trial, I will be paying per appointment, so the trial is as much for you to judge your effectiveness as it is for me. I could also be open to paying you a % of the deal instead per appointment which would offer you more money than a per lead appointment if you are good enough and would provide you more incentive to get good appointments for me to attend. Let me know Many Thanks Steve
Deliverin- 6 Days
Amount : $100
Deliverin- 9 Days
Amount : $120