I need content researched and written on the following topics. It will need to be written from a business perspective using "We" and "Our team". Write on the following topics: - General overview/description of Landscaping and why to choose our company "Detailing Geelong" 2000 Words: Include these keywords 2-3 times throughout: Landscape Geelong, Landscaping Geelong, Gardening Geelong, Landscapers in Geelong, landscape architect geelong, landscape gardeners geelong, pool landscaping, paver geelong, Geelong landscaping - Decking/pergolas (500 words) - Retaining walls (500 words) - Commercial landscaping (500 words) - Paving/driveways (500 words) - Pool landscaping (500 words) We need lot of content for this project. If you can do well then there are many jobs awaiting for you. Thanks
Deliverin- 60 Days
Amount : $250
Deliverin- 3 Days
Amount : $250
Deliverin- 10 Days
Amount : $200
Deliverin- 30 Days
Amount : $200
Deliverin- 15 Days
Amount : $150
Deliverin- 18 Days
Amount : $500
Deliverin- 2 Days
Amount : $300
Deliverin- 7 Days
Amount : $400