
BrandonDiStefano $60/hr


Web Designer, Prezi Designer, Creative Writer, Researcher

  • US United States
  • Username BrandonDiStefano
  • Jobs Completed 0 Jobs Completed
  • Member Since August, 2019

I have worked mostly in Italian Restaurants and Culinary though also am a jack of all trades having worked in Construction, Painting, Sales and Marketing, and volunteer tutor and SPCA taking care of animals. I Love to research stuff and designing is my passion and I have worked for 2 Designing Companies Pros of freelancing are that I can set my own prices when working for myself, I love the variety of tasks to choose from rather than be set on one thing and its a great way to express my myself in creativity. Cons I only have two and well Pros compared to other work weigh out the cons that is why I love to do this. The main con is time sadly because Life is short I have goals and I need to accomplish bills to pay for food, water, electricity shelter doing best to take of a family and be healthy like we a lot of us all do or at least make an effort. Working on a project takes time and estimating a price can be complicated when factoring in all of those things how much I need and how much the work the project is and estimating a time it will take. The keys to success I believe in working with a client remotely are having a quick detailed discussion on the various projects setting a price being able to be understanding, reliable, hardworking, with intelligence and having a dedication and a tolerance level of patience with clients while suiting both of our needs being helping is great and a love for the world is what keeps it alive. My strategy for dealing with problems I encounter with clients or on various projects depends on the problems itself though when encountering a problem I will always be honest, understanding, and negotiable, not be in a rush and give my 100 percent effort as long as I am compensated fairly in a timely fashion. I will always offer great honest hard working services to my clients with a respect and honor to both of our needs.


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